Take back your personal health with Hooser Health. Master Herbalist, Tiffynie Hooser, is happy to offer numerous services and herbal remedies to give you the option of holistic health and alternative healing, with natural products, herbal supplements, great service, and personalized consultations. No longer do you need to rely on a system that does not serve your best interests.
Tiffynie Hooser, Master Herbalist
For thousands of years, humans have turned to nature's resources to alleviate illnesses and improve overall health. Herbalism embodies a holistic approach to wellness, allowing us to tap into the collective wisdom of our ancestors and utilize natural remedies that work harmoniously with the body's healing mechanisms.
Herbalism helps you learn how to grow and cultivate plants and herbs, how to use certain plants for specific ailments, and how to work with natural treatments for chronic illnesses, and other health factors.
Herbalists attempt to find the root cause of illness. Practitioners will choose herbs based on the symptoms or ailments a patient describes during the consultation. Patients may use just one herbal treatment or a combination of herbal supplements.
Common forms of treatment include:
Because herbalism is largely unregulated, herbalists must adhere to a code of conduct: Herbalists cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat patients (unless they have a medical license in another field that confers those rights). They can, however, legally recommend, educate about, and dispense specific herbs for ailments.